U kunt een e-mail sturen voor al uw commentaar, problemen of complimenten. Als het nodig is nemen we zo snel mogelijk contact met u op.

Of u kunt onze community pagina bezoeken op:

Sign up for an account

  • 30-day free trial
  • All features for only $12/month
  • No long term commitment


Your email address will be your login name.


Ondergetekende machtigt Colorjinn b.v. te Amsterdam om maandelijks een bedrag van € 12,- (14,28 incl. BTW) van onder genoemde rekening af te schrijven voor het gebruik van colorjive.com.

Naam en voorletters:
Namens bedrijf/instelling:

30-day trial
If you cancel a payment plan within 30 days of signing up you won’t be charged a thing. Only if you like Colorjive and want to keep using it, we will charge you after 30 days through Paypal. After cancelling, all your data will still be available for at least 6 months, but you won’t be able to save anything new.

Is this a long term commitment?
No. Colorjive is a pay-as-you-go service. There are no long term contracts or commitments on your part. You simply pay month-to-month. If you cancel, you’ll be billed for the current month, but you won’t be billed again.

You can cancel your account by logging into your Paypal account and take the appropriate steps. Or you can send an email to accounts-at-colorjive.com and we’ll do it for you. Simple as that.